Swamp Menace

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NPC Geraldinho
Map with way to NPC Geraldinho.

Quest starts at NPC Geraldinho. He's located on the Ghost Castle next to Celadon.

This quest will require you to kill requested ammount of pokemons:

Required lvl Ammount to kill Pokemon name Needed completed task Reward
15 50 Ekans - 600 Exp + 20hd
25 40 Arbok Ekans 2000 Exp + 30hd + 10 Revive
15 25 Koffing - 500 Exp + 20hd
25 30 Weezing Koffing 2000 Exp + 30hd + 10 Revive
15 30 Venonat - 400 Exp + 20hd
25 40 Venomoth Venonat 2000 Exp + 30hd + 10 Revive