Delivery Express

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NPC Justin Bieber.
Map with way to NPC Justin Bieber.
Quest starts in Goldenrod at NPC Justin Bieber. He's located in a garden, in south-west corner of a city.


Justin Bieber asks you to deliver CD discs for his fan. Mission isn't hard but the only requirement is time that you have to deliver cd disc - from 1 to 4 minutes, depending on how far is NPC located. Fans that you have to find are chosen randomly. If you won't be able to deliver cd discs on time you will be forced to start mission from the beggining.

In order to give fan cd disc you have to write :
- cd
- yes


NPC Charlotte.
Map with way to NPC Charlotte.
You have to deliver disc in 4 minutes. She's located on a western beach in Azalea.


NPC Clarissa.
Map with way to NPC Clarissa.
You have to deliver disc in 2 minutes. She's located next to southern exit from a New bark Town.


NPC Florence.
Map with way to NPC Florence.
You have to deliver disc in 3 minutes. She's located next to GYM in Ecruteak.


NPC Kelly.
Map with way to NPC Kelly.
You have to deliver disc in 1 minute. She's located in a building next to western exit from Goldenrod.


NPC Lidia.
Map with way to NPC Lidia.
You have to deliver disc in 2 minutes. She's located next to eastern exit from Goldenrod.


NPC Natasha.
Map with way to NPC Natasha.
You have to deliver disc in 2 minutes. She's located on a beach on the west side of Goldenrod.


NPC Noelia.
Map with way to NPC Noelia.
You have to deliver disc in 3 minutes. She's located on a hill with Skarmory that is located next to Violet.


NPC Paulette.
Map with way to NPC Paulette.
You have to deliver disc in 4 minutes. She's located at the airport in Azalea.


For completing this mission, Justin Bieber will give you scooter, that you were using during delivering discs.