
De PAdventures.info
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Puedes comprar casa cuando tienes o no tienes DACC. El alquiler no se cobra todos los meses, pero aún necesitamos haber requerido una cantidad de dinero en el banco.

Command Description
alana res Buy House
alana grav "Nick Sell House to other player
alana sio "Nick Kick Character from your house
aleta grav Edit Door Rights
aleta sio Edit Guest List
aleta som Edit Sub-Owners
alana som Leave House


Todos los comandos.

Command Description
!commands Show you all guild commands
!online checks who is online from guild
!disband denouement of guild
!invite[Nick] Invite someone to guild
!leave leave guild
!kick[Nick] kick someone from guild
!revoke[Nick] canceling the invitation to guild
!demote[Nick] lowering the rank of the player
!promote[Nick] raising the rank of the player
!passleadership[Nick] handing over the guild leader
!nick[Nick, title] setup title
!setrankname[oldName, newName] change of the rank name
!setmotd[text] adding a guild description
!cleanmotd removing the guild description
!bc message displays a message in the middle of the screen to all players in the guild who are online


Todos los comandos deben escribirse en el chat de TV.

Command Description
/live password,{hasło} setting up a password for the channel
/live password,off removes the password from the channel
/live kick,{nick} throws the player out of the channel
/live ban,{nick} blocks player IP from before entering the channel
/live unban,{nick} removes the ban from the player
/live bans list of banned people
/live mute,{nick} blocks the sending of messages to the channel by a given player
/live unmute,{nick} removes the blockade for sending messages
/live mutes shows a list of players with a block to send messages
/live show shows the list of present players on the channel
/live status shows the transmission status


Command Description
!changeworld world server change
!catch pokemon checks the amount of throwed balls on pokemon
!saffari checks the remaining number of steps in saffari or national park
!uptime checks how long the server is online - since the last restart
!cd shows the cooldown of the pokemon that is taken out
fly up fly up
fly down fly down
t town teleports you to the chosen city
t house teleports you to your house
f Nick shows the distance from a given player
/release 0-5 change pokemon
g1/2/3/4 fly/swim/move on the north/south/east/west
!task pokemon shows remaining ammount of pokemons for chosen task
!daily shows our daily points and shows remaining time to the next daily quest
!forget pokemon cancel chosen task
!pokedex pokemon shows chosen pokemon dex
!tm number or name shows dex of the chosen tm
!whodrops item name shows from what you can obtain chosen item
!melee turn on / turn off distance fight (works only on pokemons that run while fighting)
!cloned shows time left on the cloned island
!cds allows to turn on / turn off colored cd stripes