Pokemon Festival

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Amber and me.
Map with way to Amber.

Festival Pokemon

Item 2169.pngPokemon Festival” Puede ser un desafío para los nuevos jugadores. Recopilar elementos solicitados no es fácil. La recompensa que nos ofrece Amber es la Sun stone – se puede usar para evolucionar ciertos Pokémones.


Tu primera misión será reunirme con NPC Amber. Puedes encontrarla debajo de Olivine. Ella necesita la ayuda de alguien experimentado. Necesitas tener al menos 50lvl. Ella te dice que su amadobellossom ha desaparecido y tendrás que encontrarlo..

  • Amber: Hi there, Player.
    • Player: mission
  • Amber: I don't think that someone as weak as you could help me much...As long as someone is higher than level 49 there will not be any problem...
    • Player: yes
  • Amber: I miss my Bella so much...
    • Player: bye
  • Amber: Have a nice day!
    Entrance to the cave where Bella is located.

Help Bella

Para salvar a Belli, tendrás que ir a la cueva, que se encuentra al suroeste de Olivine. Necesitarás pokemon con la habilidad 'dig', para poder entrar.

You see a loose stone pile.
Position: [X: 2291] [Y: 4520] [Z: 7].

Después de bajar no encontrarás a Bella. Sin embargo, ¡resulta que algunos gamberros empacaron a Bella en un saco!

You see a red backpack (Vol:20).
Position: [X: 2291] [Y: 4511] [Z: 8].

Después de resolver la bolsa, verá este mensaje.

You have found Amber's Bellossom.

Nueva misión

Después de encontrar a Bella, debes devolverla a Amber. Amber quiere que su bellossom participe en el Festival anual de Pokemon Dance. Necesitas conseguir su atuendo adecuado.

  • Amber: Hi there, Player.
    • Player: mission
  • Amber: I've lost my so dear Bellosom. We were traversing a nearby beach when she suddenly disappeared. I think she is in trouble since then, could please recover her for me?
    • Player: yes
  • Amber: Thanks a lot, dear! I've missed my Bella so much. Uh yeah...I want my Bella to participate in the annual Pokemon Dance Festival, but I need a good costume for her. I heard that there is a famous fashion designer who recently arrived to Johto...Can you help me with that?
    • Player: bye
  • Amber: Have a nice day!

Busca un diseñador de moda

NPC Ken The Fashionist.
Map with way to NPC Ken The Fashionist in Azalea.

En este momento visita a Ken, que es un diseñador de moda de otra región, puede encontrarlo en el aeropuerto de Azalea. Él te ayudará si recoges estos artículos: 50 gloom's flowers, 25 bellossom's flower, 100 seed, 40 pair of leaves y 10 yanma's wing.

  • Player: hi
    • Ken the Fashionist: Oh my, what a hot day this is...who are you?
  • Player: mission
    • Ken the Fashionist: Pokemon Dance Festival? Sad Bellosom? I see...If that girl wants a quality costume, a spectacular costume she will get! Don't you think?
  • Player: yes
    • Ken the Fashionist: Now bring me 50 Gloom's flowers, 25 Bellosom's flowers, 100 seeds, 40 pair of leaves and 10 Yanma's wings...all what I need for a great grass costume.
  • Player: bye
    • Ken the Fashionist: Cya

Item 2691.png Gloom's flowers se pueden obtener de Gloom.
Item 2650.png Bellossom's flower can be optained from Bellossom.
Item 10260.png Seeds se pueden obtener de grass type pokemons.
Item 10238.png Liście se pueden obtener de cualquier pokemon planta.
Item 2689.png Yanma's wings se pueden obtener de obtained from yanma.


Vuelve a Amber con el atuendo de Bella. Amber está tan feliz que te dará Random doll.gifrandom doll y Item 2169.pngsun stone.

  • Player: hi
    • Amber: Hi there, Player.
  • Player: mission
    • Amber: Rumors say there is a famous fashion designer who recently arrived to Johto...Could you investigate about a good costume for Bella?
  • Player: yes
    • Amber: That is just perfect! I'm now very sure Bella will win this year's Pokemon Festival. You can have this Sun Stone and a doll as a token of my gratitude.
  • Player: bye
    • Amber: See you later Player.